Hastings Law Office Fryeburg, Maine... Real estate Transactions, Estate planning, Wills, Business Law, Probate, Municipal Law, Personal Injury, Civil Litigation, Construction Law, Collections
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Hastings Law Office Fryeburg, Maine
Peter G. Hastings
David R. Hastings III
Peter J. Malia Jr.
Bonnie S. Gould

Contact Hastings Law

Please feel free to contact any of our attorneys directly by clicking on their E-Mail addresses below.

Peter G. Hastings JMciver@Hastings-Law.com
David R. Hastings III DHastings@Hastings-Law.com
Peter J. Malia PMalia@Hastings-Law.com
Bonnie S. Gould BGould@Hastings-law.com


Hastings Law Office, P.A. . 376 Main Street PO Box 290 . Fryeburg, Maine 04037
Phone: (207) 935-2061
. Fax: (207) 935-3939

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